Book a Visual Stress Test Appointment online.

Book a Visual Stress Test Appointment online.

Please note this assessment is not covered by the NHS and is chargeable before the assessment starts on the day.
What is involved. We do make a charge for this service of £70 which includes all below and usually 2 appointments

  • First of all it important to make sure your eyes work as a team so we check the muscles in the eyes to see how they are tracking together.
  • Check for colour vision deficiency
  • Colour overlay assessment – this is the main part and allows us to find if you suffer from ‘visual stress’
  • A full eye muscle work up for both far and near to see how the eyes are performing.
  • Comprehensive discussion of the summary of the assessment and any advice that we can offer

As part of the visit we will use a few computer based apps to help see how your eyes perform dynamically.
We have an Eye Tracking app to help see how your eyes work when looking across a page.

This will give us so much more information about your eyes than a simple eye exam. We can use this information to plan out what is happening and how we could improve it.

Here is a sample of the benefit that even Gary our Optometrist found when doing the test. A whopping 38% improvement , not only in speed of reading but far less fatiguing.

This is not a full eye examination — you need to have had a sight exam done at an Opticians within the last 3 months and bring in the prescription so we can verify it.

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