An Introduction to Visual Impairment eLearning
eLearning for Carers and Family members of someone that has become visually impaired. Helping to understand their condition.
eLearning for Carers and Family members of someone that has become visually impaired. Helping to understand their condition.
Cataracts are generally seen more with age but other medical conditions such as Diabetes can accelerate them.
Cataracts make with vision ‘milky’ or ‘cloudy’ especially when the lighting is low.
Street lights can have a ‘halo’ around them. You find you need to add more light when reading and it is still difficult.
If you have noticed a sudden onset of black threadlike artifacts in your vision in one eye it could be a sign of a serious eye condition especially if it comes with flashes of light in your vision – you should see you Optometrist however if you have gradually seen more floaters in your vision, […]