How to use a high powered hand magnifier.

Demonstrating how to use a high powered hand magnifier

Today’s video is showing how to use a high power hand magnifier with low vision.

Bringing the magnifier close to the best vision eye is the equivalent of looking through a key hole… You would want to get close to the keyhole to see more of what is behind the door.

Check oout our FAQ on low vision

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Categories: Lighting, Reading

Generally we would recommend a fluorescent task light. These lamps give a very white light and do not get hot like conventional anglepoise lamps. These are best positioned from the side of the person (not over ones shoulder)

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How is it best to light things for my reading?
Categories: Lighting, Reading

Larger print books are available from the library.

Increase the light on the page – it is better to have a small light close to the page (6 inch is ideal) than to have a light behind you.

I have poor vision how do I improve my reading ?


Categories: Lighting, Reading

Generally we would recommend a fluorescent task light. These lamps give a very white light and do not get hot like conventional anglepoise lamps. These are best positioned from the side of the person (not over ones shoulder)

How is it best to light things for my reading?
Categories: Lighting, Reading

Larger print books are available from the library.

Increase the light on the page – it is better to have a small light close to the page (6 inch is ideal) than to have a light behind you.

I have poor vision how do I improve my reading ?
How to use a high powered hand magnifier.
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