How to use a high powered hand magnifier.

Demonstrating how to use a high powered hand magnifier

Today’s video is showing how to use a high power hand magnifier with low vision.

Bringing the magnifier close to the best vision eye is the equivalent of looking through a key hole… You would want to get close to the keyhole to see more of what is behind the door.

Check oout our FAQ on low vision

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Dry Eyes – Watery Eyes

Yes we made a short video about this topic of how to put your artificial tears , eyedrops or glaucoma medication.

Check out the video here

Image of how to instill eye drops , whether for dry eye or glaucoma
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Do you have any advice about how to put my eye drops in?

When your eyecare practitioner talks about dry eyes they are talking about the surface of your eye drying out and when this happens then the lids rub against the conjunctiva and white of you eye and it is irritating. The eye then reacts by making more tears to wash out what it thinks is causing the irritation. These tears lack oils which would help to lubricate the eye… the tears evaporate and make the surface dry out even more.

I’m told I have dry eyes but they water a lot!

When your eyecare practitioner talks about dry eyes they are talking about the surface of your eye drying out and when this happens then the lids rub against the conjunctiva and white of you eye and it is irritating. The eye then reacts by making more tears to wash out what it thinks is causing the irritation. These tears lack oils which would help to lubricate the eye… the tears evaporate and make the surface dry out even more.

I’m told I have dry eyes but they water a lot!
How to use a high powered hand magnifier.
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