I have poor vision how do I improve my reading ?
Larger print books are available from the library. Increase the light on the page – it is better to have a small light close to the page (6 inch is ideal) than to have a light behind you.
Larger print books are available from the library. Increase the light on the page – it is better to have a small light close to the page (6 inch is ideal) than to have a light behind you.
Cataracts are generally seen more with age but other medical conditions such as Diabetes can accelerate them. Cataracts make with vision ‘milky’ or ‘cloudy’ especially when the lighting is low. Street lights can have a ‘halo’ around them. You find you need to add more light when reading and it is still difficult. If you […]
Generally we would recommend a fluorescent task light. These lamps give a very white light and do not get hot like conventional anglepoise lamps. These are best positioned from the side of the person (not over ones shoulder)
A stroke occurs when there is a leak or blockage to the blood vessels in the brain. This can lead to quite a characteristic vision loss of half the field of vision in each eye. The loss of vision is called hemianopia and means half vision. If you have had a right hemianopia you may […]