What Do I do if I have Low Vision?

Categories: Daily LIving With Sight Loss, Eye Conditions

If you no longer see an eye specialist and have been discharged, it may be useful to visit an Optometrist (Opticians) they may be able to signpost you to a local service which specialise in helping people with low vision. 
A good low vision service will have a wide range of equipment including handheld magnifiers and digital magnifiers along with practical advice for your day-to-day living. 

I have been asked to go to a Low Vision assessment at my local hospital – what will this involve? 
One of the members of staff will have a broad knowledge of how to assess what vision remains and try to find, by trying out, devices which can help you improve your level of vision. This will usually involve trying suitable handheld or stand magnifiers. Hospitals generally cannot supply digital magnifiers or ones that have to be plugged in as they need to be tested regularly and this would be almost impossible.  
There are alternative services such as the Partially Sighted Society where the low vision service can sight post you to get extra help. 

What Do I do if I have Low Vision?
What Do I do if I have Low Vision?
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